Friday, January 28, 2011

Ya know what really grinds my gears? - gets my goad ? - gropes my goose? - gags my gander? - gets my gonch ginched -?...

Dum dums in cars who do the slow roll.

I'm an avid runner and not having a car to get to the trails and living in the city (and a small one at that) I often have run in traffic-heavy areas. I've got the slow roll bump, thankfully, only once, from a mini-van half wit. Do you know how many times I have almost been hit on a slow roll? - EVERY TIME. I say 'every time' because more often than not the ding-dong behind the wheel peering off into the oncoming traffic beyond is hardly going over 5km per hour.
You give me a choice here, slow rollers: I can let you bump me and leave you etched with latent guilt about what might have happened had you been going faster or accelerated or - as I always do - let you roll your pitiful roll and then give you the mime's 'what the hell man! can't you see I'm existing here?...jeez I am so exasperated and fed up with your lack of attention to my being' as I wave my hands over my body to remind you of my physical matter, shake my head and paint a vivid look of disbelief on my face.
You know who you are slow rollers...creeping out into on coming traffic, fixated on one direction and one direction only. You creep, never putting your brakes on, never stopping at 'the line' - always consumed with your next chance to slip into your coveted lane so that your comparably short commute will get shorter by approximately 4.7 seconds.u roll only because I let you
My patience is wearing thin. My options lately have been leaning towards the former, though I have yet to act on these compulsions. But, roll only because I let you. So, if you slow roll bump a pissy jogger, who then gives you a wicked smile...question your culpability.

Ah, whatever, I'm just bored...Please look both ways before proceeding. That is all. I'm going to bed.

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